Growing Learners

Growing Learners Introduction

At Rock Ferry Primary School we think learning and being a good learner is very important. 

Our motto is ‘Don’t Say No! Have a go’.  If your child is chosen to be a ‘Star Learner’ of the week they will be invited for tea with the Headteacher Ms Radley on a Friday afternoon, where they will be able to talk about school and the learning challenges they’ve met that week.

Click on the link below for more information about the Growing Leaners programme from Portsmouth University:

Growing Learners Update

The money spent on training which allowed us to understand the principles behind Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset approach to learning begin to develop positive attitudes to learning, resilience and grit within our pupils. Some of our disadvantaged pupils showed very fixed mind sets at the start of the programme. Comments they made to us at the end of the year showed the change in their attitudes to learning.

"I think my mindset is a mixture between Growth and Fixed because sometimes I feel work is a piece of cake and sometimes I feel like work is really hard. The difference is now I always pull myself together and try my best."

Y5 Pupil Premium girl.

"I think of the most efficient way to answer my questions in maths and if I can’t do something then I won’t give up, I give it my best try"

Y5 Pupil Premium boy.

"Normally, I couldn’t do stuff. Now I say to myself "Don’t say no, have a go!"

Y3 Pupil Premium girl.

"Miss L. says I’ve got a growth mindset. I don’t give up. I got confused in grammar, but I persevered and learnt to develop strategies."

Y6 Pupil Premium girl.

"I’ve got a good attitude to learning. It’s not just about helping others, it’s helping myself. Like if I get stuck, think of ways to get unstuck and choose the best one".

Y4 Pupil Premium girl.

"Now I don’t get upset when I make a mistake; I know I can try again".

Y6 LAC Pupil.