Ofsted Report
Ofsted has launched Parent View, a new online questionnaire that will allow parents and carers to give their views on their child’s school at any time of the year. Covering over 22,000 schools across England, the 12-question survey will help other parents as they make important choices about their child’s education and provide Ofsted with information about schools that will help inform priorities for inspection.
Parent View has been produced with the assistance of a panel of parents who contributed to shaping the questions and the way the site functions. The questionnaire covers a range of topics, including quality of teaching, bullying, behaviour and levels of homework, allowing parents to give a view about their child’s school on each issue, with a final question as to whether or not they would recommend the school to other parents. The questionnaire does not allow free text comments but invites responses to a series of closed questions.
The questions were carefully chosen to cover those issues that parents told Ofsted are the most important to them. They are also designed to provide Ofsted with the information to support decisions about inspection and will give headteachers a direct route into gathering the views of their parent group.
Our most recent Ofsted report has now been released and we are pleased to say we are still a good school.
Dear parents and carers,
Rock Ferry Section 8 Ofsted Inspection February 2020
I am delighted to enclose the final report of our recent section 8 Ofsted Inspection and am pleased to announce that we remain a good school.
The judgement that we remain a good school is well deserved – Inspectors recognised that “ we expect all children and pupils to succeed” and that we have designed an “effective and ambitious curriculum” for them.
They fully recognised the emphasis we place on pastoral and emotional support and commented that parents and carers had told them that you value the nurture and we give to your children – thank you.
As you will be aware , the feedback given on parent view was overwhelmingly positive and this is also very much appreciated and testament to the relationships we have built with yourselves and our pupils over the last few years.
I think the report will confirm to you that we do indeed strive to ensure that every single one of the young people that attend Rock Ferry Primary School can “Be the best that they can be” in every area of their lives. The report states that the children “are proud of their school and its achievements”- well, so are we.
Ms Radley and the Staff