Pastoral & Emotional





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Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on developing our children emotionally and mentally through working on our core framework and providing them with a wide range of emotional and mental health strategies and interventions. We are trauma informed school and hold the Attachment and Trauma Sensitive School Award (ATTSA) at Gold level. Our awarding letter in 2023 recognised... 

"The commitment to the steps you have taken at Rock Ferry Primary Schoool to develop a culture of compassion and nurture, and to become a truly attachment and trauma responsive setting... successfully removing barriers to learning."            Dr Jennifer A Nock 2023



We are proud to be a part of the myHappymind Family!

As a whole school program grounded in science and dedicated to building positive mental wellbeing, myHappymind helps children understand how their brains work and supports them in developing the skills and habits to be their very best selves!

Learn more here:

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